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Restoring Forests & Planting Trees

“Be like a tree in pursuit of your cause. Stand firm, grip hard, thrust upward. Bend to the winds of heaven. And learn tranquillity.”

International Tree Foundation founder and visionary tree planter, Richard St.Barbe Baker

We have been really keen to broaden how our business gives back to the community and materials which provide for us, and so are thrilled to have now built reforestation into our business model. We will be donating to the International Tree Foundation (ITF) bi-annually. A contribution from all purchases with us will go towards their work in Africa and the UK to work alongside communities to help restore forests and woodlands, conserve habitats rich in bio-diversity and help communities who rely upon forests to develop prosperous sustainable livelihoods. We are really excited to have found a tree-planting organisation that works in the forests of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda and the UK, and offers specialised help in the regions we work with.

Your purchases will have a wider impact. as we help farmers in Ghana to plant trees to reduce bushfires, regulate rainfall and reverse soil degradation. Together we will help teach communities in Uganda to restore their environments by planting indigenous trees using sustainable farming methods. And we will help people like Salome Wambetsa (pictured above). In her own words:

"Tree Planting is life for me. I sell seedlings to earn a livelihood. I use the money I got from Tree Seedlings to take my first-born son to College... Tree Planting also means working as a team. I keep records of all tree nurseries and trees planted and this have shown me that when women come together a lot of good things happen. I have learnt that we have to take care of our environment." ~ Salome Wambetsa

With thanks to the International Tree Foundation for enabling us to reforest and help build a diverse and sustainable ecology.

"We believe in transformational tree planting, because when tree planting is done right it changes landscapes, communities and livelihoods." ~ International Tree Foundation


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